Basic Info:
Netball in Cape Town is governed by the Cape Metropole Netball Federation, which has six sub unions across the Cape Peninsula. Based in Cape Town, the union regulates both the women and men’s netball leagues, and had 136 clubs and 3 803 (80 males and 3 723 females) registered players in the 2018 season. The Federation aims to encourage and develop high standards of administration, discipline, playing, coaching and umpiring in respect of netball throughout the Peninsula. It also arrange club, inter-district, inter-provincial, national and international netball matches, and select netball players and officials to represent the Federation at district, provincial and national levels.
List of sub-unions
Atlantis Local Netball Association, Khayelitsha Netball Sub Union, Mitchell’s Plain Netball Sub Union, Philippi Netball Sub Union, Tygerberg Netball Sub Union and Wynberg Netball Sub Union.